Sunday 12 October 2014

Indian Secularism:

Why in hell did they (congress and their pet intellectuals) pervert the very meaning of secularism?

When Indian Constitution was written, the writers knew very well that India was a highly religious nation with religions abounding. People accepted religious laws and customs as normal. So they did the sensible thing and did not mention secualrism.

Then Indira Gandhi in 1976 declared Emergency so she could rule as dictator for life. But just to reassure the West, she declared India secular  --- I am really like you and so please ignore ny dictatorship. And we got lumbered with the term 'secularism'' in the Constitution!

I (and presumably lots of others) would not have minded if this secularism had its actual meaning: separation between church/religion and state;  but oh no, we had to be special.  Indian secularism means it will actually enforce religious laws and accommodate all religions. 

And then Congress govt just continued to be even more horrible by token appeasement of non-Hindu religions, just pandering to their religious leaders for votes.
Now if I say I am a believer in secularism it would mean that.

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